The Future of VR
What does the future of VR look like?
How do we design VR hardware and software to meet the current and future needs, expectations and imaginations of a global market?
Client: VR Hardware/Software Developer
Our Approach
We took multi-functional teams of researchers, engineers and designers to South Korea, one of the most technologically forward countries in the world and an early adopter of VR, to imagine what the future of VR might look like globally. We met with more than 80 users, superusers, influencers, developers, tech leaders, innovators, artists, and educators who shared their ideas, experiences and hopes for the future. We looked at edge cases, start-ups, classrooms, art studios and new business models for a cross section of this rich landscape. The research was framed by immersive experiences to set the context of culture, technology and innovation in South Korea.

Home Health Monitoring
What is the feasibility of remote health monitoring?
This early study on in-home health called for usability and prototype testing of a first-gen suite of remote health monitoring devices from unboxing, setup and utilization to tech support and clinical support.
Client: Health Innovation Lab and National Electronics Retailer
The Under and Uninsured: An Immersive Experience
How do the uninsured and underinsured access healthcare?
How can we help individuals across the socio-economic strata who fall through the cracks in the health system access affordable care? How do we bring our field insights to key stakeholders in a way that is impactful and deeply felt?
Client: Healthcare System and Major Tech Company
Our Approach
We designed and hosted a 2-day immersive event that brought key stakeholders into the field for on-the-ground experiences aimed at building empathy and compassion. Our goal was to help health and tech innovators design solutions that make sense for the people they serve.
In carefully crafted scenarios, immersion participants spent a day walking in the shoes of the uninsured/underinsured in real-world contexts and locations. Role-playing in mock situations, they had health crises, sought treatment, went to work, paid bills, and made everyday decisions for themselves and their families. They then shared their learnings in a day of storytelling and ideating in roundtables with health and tech partners, as well as community leaders. Armed with new perspectives, immersion participants genuinely advocated for the uninsured and underinsured.

Media Choices Among Malaysians
How do Malaysian families make content and purchasing decisions?
Consumers have more and more choices for media, whether it’s entertainment, news, or shopping. How does a national media giant transition from being a protected monopoly to competing in a rapidly changing marketplace? How do they maintain market dominance? What spectrum of offerings will best align with consumer needs?
Client: Malaysian National Media Conglomerate
Birth Trauma
How can we reduce negative outcomes during birth events?
At a time when hospitals were struggling with an all-time high in legal actions from birth trauma, our client sought to understand the why’s in order to implement obstetric practices that would improve patient safety and reduce medical liability.
Client: National US Health System
Our Approach
We designed a 3-phased study across 5 alpha sites over 3 years to learn how birth trauma events, including disclosure processes, are experienced, understood and interpreted by mothers and their attending clinicians. Interviews with physicians and obstetrics teams provided a baseline for pre-intervention practices. In the implementation phase, we explored the impact of the new standardized birth trauma protocols on team dynamics, communications and culture, and the ripple effects it had on hospital culture and outcomes. In the post-implementation phase, we focused on the birthing experience of three mothers and their care teams under the new protocols.

Mobile Computing: On the Go!
How is technology used in daily transitional spaces?
How do people work, play and stay connected throughout the day?
Client: Global Technology Hardware Manufacturer
Membership Among Asian Americans
What does it take for older Asian Americans to join a mainstream organization?
What is the awareness and perception of the client’s brand among limited- and non-English speaking Asian Americans? How do we reach this audience and drive membership?
Client: Leading Senior Advocacy Organization
Our Approach
Los Angeles provided a rich landscape for this study, with its diverse tapestry of cultural and ethnic enclaves. First, we set out to meet local community based organizations to gain their on-the-ground knowledge of Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese and Filipino communities. We then engaged individual community members in in-depth interviews to understand their values, attitudes towards work and retirement, social networks, and life priorities. Insights on how people participate in affinity groups, – and how stories and information is shared among these groups – helped the client understand Asian American models of aging.

Medication Administration Process
How can hospitals improve patient safety by streamlining medications delivery using automated dispensing machines (ADM)?
Why do medications administration for 4 or 5 patients sometimes take 2 hours to complete? How do we integrate smart ADMs to create a more efficient process flow for nurses to improve quality of care.
Client: National US Health System
Project Heartbeat
How can a global tech company support front line managers through a dynamic and changing marketplace?
How do we understand the lived experience of front line managers at a global tech company as they navigate internal and external changes that impact the very way they do business?
Client: Fortune 500 Tech Company
Our Approach
To fully understand lived experiences, we used an empathy-based qualitative approach to tap into front line voices and shine a light on the human experience. Through in-depth interviews and diaries, sales managers and engineers across 5 continents talked about their daily challenges and successes, big and small – about what it’s like to be caught between serving the sometimes-conflicting customer and company needs in a changing global market and a worldwide pandemic.
This ‘lived experience’ study was built to invite reflection and peer dialogue, and to create meaningful connections between the executive leadership and their sales force, the heart of the company.